Monday, January 11, 2016

A Frosty Morn

This is all frost - yesterday's snow melted in the sunshine and 34F before the temperature began to plummet once again. Our morning low was 10F and it has already warmed up to a balmy 17F. The poor birds! I'm not complaining, just stating the facts. It's quite pretty out there with lots of sparkles.

Once again, I am hunting for a bed. I gave up last time. Now, most of the 3/4 beds have disappeared. My mattress with the bunky board has gone the way of all things and is so uncomfortable. You see - everyone plunks (and I do mean plunks) their behind smack dab in the middle of it when they come in here. The thing has caved-in so bad that it kills my back. I have the "Aero" bed on it and it squeaks every time I shift, not to mention that it's so cold I have to use a sleeping bag. The sleeping bag is our son's old one from when he was a cub scout and I feel like a mummy. The search continues. I wish my womb was large enough for a full size bed. Jill has abandoned her floor mattress because she's cold too - not enough room for two in my twin sized bed, sigh ...

I hope everyone's week is starting out well. Have a good one!



  1. good luck with the bed search. yes, i'd imagine 3/4 size are long gone. the frost is pretty but 10f you can keep. :)

    1. I did find one, but it's a good bit away.
      The cold weather is the reason I came down here - I got rooked!

  2. I forgot about three quarter size bed. Wondering if sheets are as hard to fine.
    Coffee is on

    1. Length is same on 3/4 bed, and a fitted full just has to be tucked a little further. (Or one line of stitching to make it fit) No problems.

  3. You need to invest in a mattress warmer for your bed. We have had one forever... and we bought all of our kids one. They all love it. There are two controls to regulate each side separately. You can keep it very low and just warm the bed a bit or have it nice and toasty. I find that it helps a lot with my arthritis and stiffness in the winter. It is so much better than an electric blanket. As for the bed, I hope you can find what your looking for. Mattress shopping can be just as hard as bathing suit shopping if you ask me... good luck with all that!

    1. Hard to keep an air mattress warm. I used to use a blow dryer to warm the sheets on the bed. Nothing colder than January sheets! I'd be afraid to use electric blanket with J n J hopping up or down during the night. Yes - the mattresses have to be custom made.


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